​Today, we can review the development of Chinese hip-hop culture

Today, we can review the development of Chinese hip-hop culture.

Since the 1980s, thousands of young people from China have begun to look for all the most advanced elements in the world to supplement their childhood with little sunshine and vitamins. At that time, the literary youth began to look at Sartre and Heidegger; the film youths madly studied Godard and Truff; for the young musicians, rock and metal were the music that fell at that time.

In this big wave of the West Wind, the term and concept of rap music has slowly penetrated into the Chinese mainland. At that time, the avant-garde youth and art youths were of course listening to rock and metal. Some well-informed youths also vaguely heard rap, knowing that this is a style from the black street culture of African Americans.

Today, we can review the development of Chinese hip-hop culture.

Since the 1980s, thousands of young people from China have begun to look for all the most advanced elements in the world to supplement their childhood with little sunshine and vitamins. At that time, the literary youth began to look at Sartre and Heidegger; the film youths madly studied Godard and Truff; for the young musicians, rock and metal were the music that fell at that time.

In this big wave of the West Wind, the term and concept of rap music has slowly penetrated into the Chinese mainland. At that time, the avant-garde youth and art youths were of course listening to rock and metal. Some well-informed youths also vaguely heard rap, knowing that this is a style from the black street culture of African Americans.

Early rap god brick

In this wave of super-British beauty, the Chinese people began to hear about rap music. The concept of rap in the continent at that time was not a complete musical style but an element, and having this element would become super cool. In order to express the cool concept, the domestic TV dramas at that time would forcibly add a little rap to the typical mainland episode.

So that some of the sketches will add a little free style, which was called “rua” by the people at the time. Look at their understanding of rap music is to use the mouth to say, and then press the rhyme to express a smooth feeling.

Nobody wants to be an underground rapper

It was not until 2000 that the real rap band in China began to appear. At that time, the concept of rap was no longer a rua, but a real hip-hop. And the black fear at the beginning is not underground, but a record capital attack by the record company.

All these changes are still caused by changes in the market and capital. At the end of the century, Beijing’s cultural industry was full of a new century. Going higher, faster, and more international.

At the turn of the century, some of the avant-garde people in the cultural industry have a pre-judgment. They believe that the Chinese music scene will soon be in line with the world. The favorite music styles for young people in the future will be punk, British rock, electronics, and hip-hop. Just like what Park Tree Song sang: Listen to new music and cut new hairstyles. Their kind of optimism seems to be like the communists after World War I, and the red flag is about to sweep the Eastern West.

Hidden combination

At the time, cmcb was particularly confident. In their 2002 first rap album “Kung Fu”, they claimed to be China’s first rap band, and their era is coming soon. They are about to pick up the Chinese hiphop revolutionary fire. They thought they would become China’s 2puc. But it turns out that they are only Li Lisan in the era of the Great Revolution. Before the arrival of the revolutionary fire, it swayed and fell again.

Trap music is a variant of rap music that can be easily understood as a fusion of rap and electronic music with a psychedelic taste.

Today, we can review the development of Chinese hip-hop culture.

Since the 1980s, thousands of young people from China have begun to look for all the most advanced elements in the world to supplement their childhood with little sunshine and vitamins. At that time, the literary youth began to look at Sartre and Heidegger; the film youths madly studied Godard and Truff; for the young musicians, rock and metal were the music that fell at that time.

In this big wave of the West Wind, the term and concept of rap music has slowly penetrated into the Chinese mainland. At that time, the avant-garde youth and art youths were of course listening to rock and metal. Some well-informed youths also vaguely heard rap, knowing that this is a style from the black street culture of African Americans.

Early rap god brick

In this wave of super-British beauty, the Chinese people began to hear about rap music. The concept of rap in the continent at that time was not a complete musical style but an element, and having this element would become super cool. In order to express the cool concept, the domestic TV dramas at that time would forcibly add a little rap to the typical mainland episode.

So that some of the sketches will add a little free style, which was called “rua” by the people at the time. Look at their understanding of rap music is to use the mouth to say, and then press the rhyme to express a smooth feeling.

Nobody wants to be an underground rapper

It was not until 2000 that the real rap band in China began to appear. At that time, the concept of rap was no longer a rua, but a real hip-hop. And the black fear at the beginning is not underground, but a record capital attack by the record company.

All these changes are still caused by changes in the market and capital. At the end of the century, Beijing’s cultural industry was full of a new century. Going higher, faster, and more international.

At the turn of the century, some of the avant-garde people in the cultural industry have a pre-judgment. They believe that the Chinese music scene will soon be in line with the world. The favorite music styles for young people in the future will be punk, British rock, electronics, and hip-hop. Just like what Park Tree Song sang: Listen to new music and cut new hairstyles. Their kind of optimism seems to be like the communists after World War I, and the red flag is about to sweep the Eastern West.

Hidden combination

At the time, cmcb was particularly confident. In their 2002 first rap album “Kung Fu”, they claimed to be China’s first rap band, and their era is coming soon. They are about to pick up the Chinese hiphop revolutionary fire. They thought they would become China’s 2puc. But it turns out that they are only Li Lisan in the era of the Great Revolution. Before the arrival of the revolutionary fire, it swayed and fell again.

Trap music is a variant of rap music that can be easily understood as a fusion of rap and electronic music with a psychedelic taste.

Early rap god brick

In this wave of super-British beauty, the Chinese people began to hear about rap music. The concept of rap in the continent at that time was not a complete musical style but an element, and having this element would become super cool. In order to express the cool concept, the domestic TV dramas at that time would forcibly add a little rap to the typical mainland episode.

So that some of the sketches will add a little free style, which was called “rua” by the people at the time. Look at their understanding of rap music is to use the mouth to say, and then press the rhyme to express a smooth feeling.

Nobody wants to be an underground rapper

It was not until 2000 that the real rap band in China began to appear. At that time, the concept of rap was no longer a rua, but a real hip-hop. And the black fear at the beginning is not underground, but a record capital attack by the record company.

All these changes are still caused by changes in the market and capital. At the end of the century, Beijing’s cultural industry was full of a new century. Going higher, faster, and more international.

At the turn of the century, some of the avant-garde people in the cultural industry have a pre-judgment. They believe that the Chinese music scene will soon be in line with the world. The favorite music styles for young people in the future will be punk, British rock, electronics, and hip-hop. Just like what Park Tree Song sang: Listen to new music and cut new hairstyles. Their kind of optimism seems to be like the communists after World War I, and the red flag is about to sweep the Eastern West.

Hidden combination

At the time, cmcb was particularly confident. In their 2002 first rap album “Kung Fu”, they claimed to be China’s first rap band, and their era is coming soon. They are about to pick up the Chinese hiphop revolutionary fire. They thought they would become China’s 2puc. But it turns out that they are only Li Lisan in the era of the Great Revolution. Before the arrival of the revolutionary fire, it swayed and fell again.

Trap music is a variant of rap music that can be easily understood as a fusion of rap and electronic music with a psychedelic taste.

Today, we can review the development of Chinese hip-hop culture.

Since the 1980s, thousands of young people from China have begun to look for all the most advanced elements in the world to supplement their childhood with little sunshine and vitamins. At that time, the literary youth began to look at Sartre and Heidegger; the film youths madly studied Godard and Truff; for the young musicians, rock and metal were the music that fell at that time.

In this big wave of the West Wind, the term and concept of rap music has slowly penetrated into the Chinese mainland. At that time, the avant-garde youth and art youths were of course listening to rock and metal. Some well-informed youths also vaguely heard rap, knowing that this is a style from the black street culture of African Americans.

Early rap god brick

In this wave of super-British beauty, the Chinese people began to hear about rap music. The concept of rap in the continent at that time was not a complete musical style but an element, and having this element would become super cool. In order to express the cool concept, the domestic TV dramas at that time would forcibly add a little rap to the typical mainland episode.

So that some of the sketches will add a little free style, which was called “rua” by the people at the time. Look at their understanding of rap music is to use the mouth to say, and then press the rhyme to express a smooth feeling.

Nobody wants to be an underground rapper

It was not until 2000 that the real rap band in China began to appear. At that time, the concept of rap was no longer a rua, but a real hip-hop. And the black fear at the beginning is not underground, but a record capital attack by the record company.

All these changes are still caused by changes in the market and capital. At the end of the century, Beijing’s cultural industry was full of a new century. Going higher, faster, and more international.

At the turn of the century, some of the avant-garde people in the cultural industry have a pre-judgment. They believe that the Chinese music scene will soon be in line with the world. The favorite music styles for young people in the future will be punk, British rock, electronics, and hip-hop. Just like what Park Tree Song sang: Listen to new music and cut new hairstyles. Their kind of optimism seems to be like the communists after World War I, and the red flag is about to sweep the Eastern West.

Hidden combination

At the time, cmcb was particularly confident. In their 2002 first rap album “Kung Fu”, they claimed to be China’s first rap band, and their era is coming soon. They are about to pick up the Chinese hiphop revolutionary fire. They thought they would become China’s 2puc. But it turns out that they are only Li Lisan in the era of the Great Revolution. Before the arrival of the revolutionary fire, it swayed and fell again.

Trap music is a variant of rap music that can be easily understood as a fusion of rap and electronic music with a psychedelic taste.

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